Nature’s NPJ Digital Medicine publishes positive results from a global health study evaluating OptiBP™ mobile blood pressure monitoring app in low-resource urban and rural settings

Global health Tanzania study published in Nature's NPJ Digital Medicine

We’re excited to announce that Nature’s NPJ Digital Medicine has published the first independent research and validation study showing the potential of the OptiBP mobile app to manage high blood pressure. In line with our mission to make easy to access and actionable self monitoring of vital signs a reality around the world, we focus on building broad evidence of the utility of mobile blood pressure monitoring in all levels of resource settings. Notably, with the proliferation of smart phones across all populations, OptiBP presents a compelling way to engage patients and amplify the relationship with the care provider and health worker infrastructure.

The results of this study were gathered from the general population and pregnant population participants in Bangladesh, South Africa, and Tanzania. Our focus on hypertensive subpopulations is intended to test and evaluate the solution in order to optimize for health equity and benefit for the good of the widest range of the 1.4 billion people worldwide affected by high blood pressure.

Read more here.